Mazda City of Orange Park

Nov 23, 2023

Car emissions checks are mandatory in the vast majority of states across the US. These checks are to make sure your vehicle isn’t releasing too many harmful gases into the atmosphere, and if your car does have problems with its emissions system, then you’ll need to get it fixed. Your local Mazda dealership can fix any issue you might be having with your emissions system with ease.

How Often Should You Get a Car Emissions Check in Florida?

Emissions checks/smog tests haven’t been mandatory in the entire state of Florida for several decades now, so there are no rules regarding how often you need to get an emissions check. You can get a smog test voluntarily if you wish, but if you know for a fact that your emissions system is fine, then you won’t need to go and get an emissions check.

Instead of getting voluntary smog tests, it’s generally best to just keep up with your preventative maintenance at the Mazda dealer instead. The mechanics at the dealership check every system in your vehicle and perform necessary repairs to keep every system running smoothly. There are also issues that’ll start showing up in your car if your emissions system is faulty, and when you notice these issues, you can visit the dealer for a repair.

Signs to Head to the Mazda Dealership for Emissions System Repairs

Your Check Engine Light Is On

The check engine light can turn on for a lot of different reasons, including problems with your emissions system. If this light turns on, then the best course of action is to go right to the dealer, even if your car isn’t behaving weirdly in any way.

Your Car Is a Little Sluggish

If you’ve had your car for a while, then you’re probably used to how it feels to drive. You know how quickly it accelerates, and you know how powerful it feels at any speed. If you notice the car isn’t accelerating as quickly as it used to, or if it just feels less powerful while you’re driving, then you have a problem. Sometimes issues with the emissions system can cause performance issues with the car, so it’s time to visit the dealer.

Your Car Is Using Too Much Gas

Any time you have to start visiting the gas station more than usual, it points to a problem somewhere in the car. Your emissions system could be having problems, and that can lead to your engine using more fuel to stay running properly. Numerous other problems under the hood can lead to reduced fuel efficiency, too.

Want to keep your emissions system in the best shape you can? Come to Mazda City of Orange Park. Let us investigate any problems you’re having and fix them to get your car working like new.