Mazda City of Orange Park

Oct 26, 2023

When you own a Mazda, you’re not just driving a car. You’re driving a piece of art! Mazda vehicles are known for their sleek designs and eye-catching appearance, and one of the features that contributes to their beauty is the paint job. To keep your Mazda looking its best and preserve the stunning finish of your car paint, you have to take proper care of it. Here are some tips from your Mazda dealer!

Regularly Wash and Detail Your Car

No matter what you do, dust, dirt, and grime will accumulate on your car’s surface. Over time they can lead to small scratches or damage to the finish. By washing your Mazda regularly, you can remove these contaminants and prevent them from harming your car. Invest in a good quality car wash soap, microfiber mitts, and a soft brush to ensure a gentle but thorough clean.

Don’t forget to follow up with waxing and polishing. Wax provides an additional layer of protection by sealing the paint and creating a barrier against weather and the environment. It also adds a glossy shine that gives your cleaning the finishing touch.

Park in the Shade

Harsh sun can take a toll on your car’s paint. Prolonged exposure to UV rays can cause the paint to fade and lose its shine. Whenever possible, park your Mazda in the shade, whether it’s under a carport, in a garage, or even under a tree. If shaded parking isn’t an option, consider using a car cover. A good-quality cover can shield your vehicle from the sun’s harmful rays and protect it from things like bird droppings and tree sap.

Use Paint Protection Film

For extra protection, you might want to consider applying paint protection film. This nearly invisible film is applied to the car’s painted surfaces and acts as a shield against rocks, debris, and minor scratches. If you’re determined to keep your paint job looking new, it can be an excellent investment, especially if you often drive on highways or roads with loose gravel.

Touch Up Your Car Paint at Your Mazda Dealer

Regular maintenance is the best way to keep your car in top shape, and that includes the paint! Periodic inspections and touch-ups can correct minor paint issues before they become major problems. If you notice your car has any chips or scratches, be sure to fix them quickly to prevent it from peeling or rust from developing.

Taking care of your Mazda’s paint is not only about keeping it looking beautiful but also about maintaining its long-term value. By following these simple tips, you can keep your Mazda looking new for years to come. Schedule a service appointment at Mazda City of Orange Park and see how we can help you!